Monday, July 12, 2010

Overnights and Out of Touch

I did a couple overnights this week. I do a few every month, so I’m getting used to it and have gotten a routine down for it.

I really love the pets I stay with, but also I miss my cats and Jesse, if he can’t go with me. When it happens that Jesse can’t go to an overnight, he stays with friends and has a blast with them and their dogs. I know he’s safe and happy, but I still miss him and the kitties.

Overnights are usually fun, but it’s always sort of hard to sleep in other people’s houses. The odd little noises of a different home, catch my attention, and often wake me up. I’m used to the sounds of my house, but every home has it’s own special set of noises. They take time to learn to ignore, but a couple nights doesn’t really do it. I’ve stayed at this house, and with these dogs, several times, but it’s still hard to feel truly comfortable there. It’s just not home. For instance, I wanted to boil some water to make tea, but it took me awhile to figure out how to use the burners. The electronic starter was odd, you had to dial to it the first stop and wait for the burner to light. Can you tell I have an electric stove? I finally got it and boiled my water, but also decided it was easier to just nuke it… LOL.

The one thing I really miss, besides my babies, is when I don’t have Internet access. Most of the time people have WiFi and are happy to give me their code so I can get online, but some people either don’t have the Internet, or they’re hardwired. They tell me I can use their connection, but I don’t want to go unplugging people’s computers. It’s not that I want to spend the whole time surfing the net, instead of caring for the pets, but I do need to write emails, my Daily Pet Reports, to clients, and I often need to send forms and other docs to people. And I admit I like to check in on facebook and twitter occasionally too.

So I’ve been looking for a way to get Internet access anywhere. I do have and use my smart phone, but it’s just not the same as a real computer. I find in difficult to write anything longer than a couple sentences on that little keyboard. T-Mobile, my cell carrier, like everyone else has 3G USB connecters for computers, but it’s a little more expensive than I want to pay for just occasional use. Also, it would extend my contract and, at this point, I don’t want to do that. At least not until I have to buy a new phone, which may be soon since mine is getting worn out.

Any suggestions for an inexpensive way to get my computer online at my client’s homes would be very welcome and much appreciated!


  1. What you are looking for is called "tethering" your phone's data connection to your laptop. It should be easy, but wireless providers make it tough. (so that they can sell you the 3g modems/mifi's. I am looking it up right now and only see one solution for t-moble and the g1. It looks a little complicated but I will try and dig a little further and see if I find anything.

  2. Thanks David :) I'm about to buy a new phone soon, mine is wearing out. I heard T-Mobile has a new Android phone coming out at the end of the month. "The Tech Guy" was talking about it the other day on his radio show. I'm going to check that one out. I looked at the new iPhone, so pretty, but I'd break it in a month.

    Thanks again!
