Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love Dogs!!!!

This is for the dog people, like me, out there.

Let’s face it; there are times when dogs can be a pain, and painful too. House training, chewing, digging, nipping, and many other typical puppy/dog behaviors are annoying, and sometimes expensive. But with some good training and management, most dogs learn to do other things instead. We spend a small fortune on food, collars, beds, leashes, toys, training, vet bills, and the list goes on. There’s nothing like stepping, usually barefoot, in dog puke; or waking up to find he’s puking on the bed, right next to you. What dog parent hasn’t returned home, to find their dog had diarrhea… all over the house? When you live with dogs; poop, pee and puke happen in the house sometimes.

Still we love our dogs, and they’re part of our family. We care for, and worry about them, when they get sick. Hopefully, we watch them grow old, and then we mourn them when they eventually pass away. I’ve lived with, loved, and lost several dogs in my life; I’ve cried a thousand tears over them, and I wouldn’t trade having those sweet little souls in my life for anything. They were my friends, companions, confidants, and some of my best teachers.

My dogs have taught me patience, something I didn’t come equipped with a large supply of, and still in the process of learning. They’ve taught me to be more compassionate, understanding, and loving. They even taught me how to be less shy… it’s easier to talk to strangers when they want to meet your dog. Now that I’ve been training and pet sitting, I’ve learned I can talk to people I don’t know, at least as long as we’re talking about dogs, LOL.

Dogs know how to make you feel welcome, wanted, and completely loved. How nice would the world be if everyone we know and love always greeted us with pure joy? When a dog loves you, they invest their whole heart; they are the definition of unconditional love. Dogs don’t care what you look like, how you dress, what kind of car you drive, or how much money you have; they just love you because they do. When your friends and family don’t want to hear it, a dog will patiently listen to all your complaints, tossing in an occasional lick or two. They don’t mind if you cry on their shoulder… head, back, whatever. They’re just happy to be there with and for you, no matter what.

Dogs are comedians. They make me smile and laugh everyday. I love to watch dogs play and to play with dogs! They live in the moment and just have fun. They can turn random things, like sticks and leaves, into great toys, and then spend a lot of time and energy tossing and chasing their new find… not to mention a bit of chewing on the stick. I’ve learned to enjoy the small moments of having pure fun playing and working with dogs. I find after a nice long walk, trip to the park, or training session with Jesse or clients, I’m more relaxed and clear minded.

I believe my life with dogs makes me healthier; I have to get up, go outside, and move around. So I get my exercise and Vitamin D. I know my life with dogs totally makes me happier!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When I don’t listen to my ‘Little Voice’ … I regret it!


1. The state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it, or the ability to do this.

2. Something known or believed instinctively, without actual evidence for it.

3. Immediate knowledge of something.

I know it may sound crazy but I have a ‘little voice’ in my head that attempts to guide me. When I choose to ignore it, I usually live to regret it…

I got a call from a new client. Something had come up with Jan’s pet sitter, and she couldn’t stay with the dogs during her upcoming trip. Jan was planning on leaving in four days, but would have to cancel if I couldn’t sit with them. I happened to be free for the three nights she needed me. So, I took pity on her and I said yes… Even though she lives outside of my pet sitting area, and my ‘little voice’ was yelling, “No, don’t do it!” We set up a consultation. Then she mentioned her elderly, but very independent, mother would be there too… My ‘little voice’ was screaming by then.

During our consultation, I learned that one of her dogs wasn’t housetrained. She had to be walked every four hours, or she’d go in the house. Jan wanted me to do overnights, plus three extra visits, to walk the dogs. At that point, I wished I’d listened to my ‘little voice!’ I really didn’t have time, nor did I want to drive that far three times a day. But I had already said I would do the job. We decided I would arrive at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to walk the dogs (a 30 minute visit). Then return at 6 p.m. and stay overnight. I met Jan’s mother, and Kate was very pleasant, but obviously confused. Jan mentioned she tended to get up about three in the morning, and putter around. But she’s very quiet, and won’t disturb me… Right.

I quickly realized that Kate needed much more care than the dogs. She was able to get around fairly well, but like any 86 year old person, she wasn’t all that sure footed. While she didn’t need help with doing physical things; she was, in my opinion, showing signs of Alzheimer’s. I saw Kate doing many things my mother had done when she started getting ill… Kate would repeatedly ask the same questions, or tell me the same things. She had problems communicating, because she couldn’t remember words, and then she’d get frustrated with herself and me when I didn’t understand. Kate would lose something, and become frantic when she couldn’t find it, often it would be right in front of her.

I could tell Kate wasn’t keen on having me come in just to walk the dogs, and then leave. She wanted/needed me to stay there! Like my mom, she was too proud to say she needed help, and she’s afraid to be alone. When I would tell Kate I had to leave, a look of fear and anxiety would cross her face, as would relief when I returned. I often saw the same expressions on Mom’s face too. In the middle of a task, Kate would forget what she was doing. It was also potentially dangerous; for instance, she could forget she was heating water for tea and start a fire. I also worried she might fall and seriously injure herself. I had visions of coming back to find her writhing in pain on the cold, tile floor. So I ended up spending as much time with Kate as I possibly could, which was considerably more time than I got paid for… But, I did not want anything to happen to Kate on my watch. It also occurred to me that I wasn’t at all sure what my liabilities would be if something did happen. I’m insured for providing pet care, not sure about elderly people.

Like mom, Kate would go to bed early, then get up in the middle of the night and wander around the house for the rest of the night. Kate would come into the room where I was sleeping, and stare at me. When I opened my eyes, she’d ask me a series of questions: Are you warm enough? Do you need another blanket? Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry? A little later, she’d be back doing it all over again.

In so many ways, Kate reminded me of my mother, they looked very much alike. Turns out, like mom, Kate had been a nurse and a very independent woman, especially for their time. Also, like mom, Kate is very spiritual, although in a totally different way. Because she did remind me so much of my beloved and very loving mother, I really liked Kate. However, she also reminded me of the most emotionally painful time in my life, watching my mother slowly and literally lose her mind. I like to remember mom before Alzheimer’s, when she was a vibrant, intelligent, active, and truly independent woman. Being with Kate, dredged up unhappy memories I had pushed out of my mind… like the first time my mom didn’t remember me.

It was such a relief when Jan returned, and the job was over. It was emotionally draining, and exhausting… I’m too old to go three nights without sleeping, LOL.

It was also a lesson to always listen to my “little voice!”

Monday, October 25, 2010

Is it Tricks or Treats for the Pets?

For many people, Halloween is a treat. We like dressing up, and seeing others in their costumes. We enjoy the sights and activity of kids ‘trick or treating.’ We might host, or attend a party(s), go to a carnival, etc. We sometimes decorate our homes for the holiday. It’s also the time when we tend to start having candy and other yummy treats around. For me, it’s the beginning of the eating season. LOL.

For many pets, Halloween is more Tricks than Treats. Animals don’t really get costumes. When we are masked, or wearing something that alters our silhouette, even family members can be extremely frightening to some dogs and cats. If you’re going to wear a costume your pets might find even remotely scary, try letting them watch you put it on in, and walk around in it a few times… before Halloween. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if your dog barks at you, or your cat runs away, when you suddenly appear as a monster, or whatever.

Your pets might not mind seeing you in your costume. However, they might not feel the same about strangers showing up at the front door wearing them… and yelling too! A few pets could care less about a bunch of silly humans running around in costumes, and making a lot of noise. They’re the party animals, and they’ll just hang out and enjoy the action. Many dogs and cats are not party animals, and they have been known to freak out and run away when confronted with several scary creatures at their front door. Often escaping through the open front door, and past those same scary creatures... Pets who run away are likely to be returned more quickly if they're wearing a properly fitting collar, with ID tags. Of course, some dogs might try to defend themselves from the scary creatures by growling, snapping, and then resorting to biting. They’re not party animals.

If your pets aren’t party animals, it’s a good idea to keep them in a room, or their crate, far away from the front door or party. Give your dog a nice raw meaty bone, well-stuffed Kong, bully stick, etc. to keep him occupied; the chewing might help to calm him too. Give your cats a “safe place” to hide from the noise: inside a closet, box, cat home, under a bed, etc. Close the windows and drapes, to cut down on outside noises, and so your pets can’t see people walking around outside. Turn on a radio, TV, or play Canine Lullabies to help mask the sounds from outside of the room. If your dog barks at the doorbell, put tape over it to prevent people from ringing it; and be prepared to open the door when people arrive, so they don’t have to knock. If you’re having people over, put a sign on the door, telling people to not enter the “pet’s room.” Also, make sure to tell people too, sometimes we don’t always read signs.

For their safety, it’s a good idea to keep pets inside around Halloween. Sadly, cats and dogs have been stolen, poisoned, injured, and killed, during Halloween pranks, and for other sadistic reasons.

Sometimes we dress our pets up for Halloween. If you decide to dress your pet up for Halloween, don’t leave him unattended while wearing his costume. Your pet might decide to ‘take off’ the costume by chewing through it and eating parts of it. If it has long, flowing pieces, it could get hung up, and trap or strangle him.

Decorating for Halloween is fun too. Decorate with your pets in mind. Naturally your pets will be interested in all the new things around the house. Sometimes sniffing can lead to chewing, and perhaps ingesting foreign objects. Things that dangle can be a great temptation for cats, puppies, and some dogs to play with, and perhaps try to eat. Jack o Lanterns are a tradition, but be careful where you put them. Many dogs and cats like pumpkin and, in proper quantities, it’s very good for them; but too much of a good thing is still too much. Eating too much pumpkin can cause diarrhea.

Be very careful when using candles! Candles add ambience, and a Jack o Lantern isn’t complete without one, but an inquisitive pet can burn himself, or knock one over and start a fire. If you have nosey pets, or cats that get up onto tables, counters, etc., like mine do, you might want to use flameless candles. Never leave burning candles unattended, even if you don’t have pets!

And then, there are our treats… Yum! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! When I buy candy, Halloween or not, I buy something that’s covered with chocolate, and has nuts. Dogs tend to love chocolate too, but it can make them very ill, in fact it can kill them. It’s best pets never develop a taste for it, so DO NOT EVER LET YOUR DOG EAT CHOCOLATE!

Even without chocolate, some “people treats” can be too sweet, salty, or rich for pets to metabolize well, if at all. But they taste good, so some pets will eat as much as they can get. Don’t tempt your pets by leaving candy, and other treats, where they can reach them. It doesn’t take long for some dogs to eat several pieces of those mini-candies, often along with big pieces of the wrappers.

Here’s wishing you a Happy Halloween! Have fun, and remember to make it safe and stress free for your pets too.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What NOT to Take into a Dog Park… Part Three

“A dog park is like a cocktail party, where you don't know anyone and everyone is drunk. You could have fun, but it could be a disaster.” Trish King.

In an earlier blog, called My Three Rules For Dog Park Safety, I mentioned I always observe what’s happening inside a dog park before I take my dog, and/or clients, into one. I mentioned that I check out what the people are doing. Are they watching their dogs, or are they doing other things like, chatting, reading, playing video games, talking on the phone, etc? Too often people seem to be doing everything… except watching their dog(s). So, I’d like to ask people not to bring distractions into a dog park. When you’re reading, texting, talking on the phone, playing video games, or chatting with other dog owners, you might not be paying a lot attention to your dog.

It’s up to us, as pet parents and guardians, to watch, manage, and protect our dogs, at all times. That’s especially true of when they are with a number of dogs, who really they don’t know each other, running around loose together, i.e., a dog park. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure… in other words: it’s better to prevent a dogfight, than to have to deal with the aftermath of one.

Some dogs, like some people, are socially inept. While they may be friendly and want to play, some dogs can be too pushy and “in your face” for another dog’s comfort. The “pushy” dog either doesn’t understand, or ignores the warning signals the “uncomfortable” dog is sending to back off. Even the nicest of us will push back when we are pushed too far; and so will our sweetest, most friendly, dogs. Other dogs are very fearful of strange dogs, and they’ve learned that the best defense is a good offense. So they often overreact, and sometimes lash out, to even minimal interest in them. A little tiff can quickly become a big fight!

I have spent a lot of time in dog parks and I’ve seen too many dogfights. The vast majority were not serious, but they’re always highly emotional for all us animals. If we, as dog parents/guardians, do our job and pay attention, we can intercede, distract, or remove our dog before a fight gets started.

Dogs poop in dog parks, and often more than once. Sadly, there are groups in many communities who want to eliminate, not only off leash dog parks, but also the ability for dogs to go to any park, even on leash… PERIOD. One of their arguments against dogs in parks, is that dogs are a health risk, especially to children. That’s because dogs poop everywhere, and people don’t always pick up after them. Unfortunately, this is all too often true.

It is every dog owner’s responsibility to pick up after his or her dogs… Every single time!! If you’re not watching your dog, because you’re reading a book, playing a game, talking on the phone, etc., you won’t notice when they poop. And then, you won’t be able to clean it up. It might not seem like a big deal to leave one poop behind, but you are giving those anti-dog/dog park groups fuel for their cause to keep all dogs out of all parks. Besides, it’s just plain common courtesy to always pick up after your dog!

Dog parks aren’t our libraries, offices, or social scenes. They’re a place for dogs to run, play, and have fun. However, like in any playground, sometimes feelings get hurt, and quarrels get started. Also, like in any playground, we adults need to be aware enough to keep everyone under threshold and under control. If we all do our part, by following the rules of the parks, picking up after our dogs, and keeping an eye on them to prevent unhappy incidents, we’ll all have a better and happier dog park experience.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What NOT to Take into a Dog Park… Part Two

“A dog park is like a cocktail party, where you don't know anyone and everyone is drunk. You could have fun, but it could be a disaster.” Trish King.

“Young children should never be in an off leash dog park; but if they are they should always be on leash!” Me.

There are so few places where dogs get to run around, play, socialize, and just be dogs… They’re called Dog Parks and they’re for dogs, not kids! Don’t get me wrong, I love children, which is why I think no one under ten should be allowed to enter a dog park. Does that sound harsh, too bad; a dog park can be a dangerous place for children!

I once saw a little girl, about four, get bowled over by a couple large dogs. It was an accident; the dogs were just playing dog games in a dog park. However, the girl hit her head on the edge of a concrete bench, cut her scalp, and it bled a lot. Luckily, it looked worse than it was, and she was fine after a stitch. However her head hit that bench very hard, and it could have been so much worse!!!

Then there was the boy, about six, who would run up to a dog, grab his head, pull the dog’s face into his, hold on tight, and stare into the dogs eyes. Then he’d move on to the next one and do it again. OMG, It was a dog park disaster waiting to happen, and I felt compelled to intervene immediately. Since, I had no idea which “adult” he was there with, I had a talk with the child first. I told him not to do that to strange dogs, because it scares them and they might bite his nose off. He ignored me, and continued to get in dogs faces. So, I found his mother, and told her the same thing I’d just said to the kid. She said, “Oh, that’s OK. He likes dogs.” I told her, “It doesn’t matter how much he likes dogs. Some dogs don’t like kids.” Her snide response, “Then they shouldn’t here.” I have to admit, that made me mad, so I said/yelled, “This is a dog park! There’s an entire park outside of this fence for your kid to play in, take him out there. Or make him leave our dogs alone. If your kid gets his nose bitten off, it’s your fault for letting him to that to the dogs.”

Meanwhile, the boy finally took on the wrong dog, a Chihuahua, and got a very minor “warning nip” to his nose (one tiny puncture mark, and a little dot of blood). I think the dog showed a great deal of bite inhibition. Of course, the kid started crying, and his mother became incensed. She was screaming, “That dog should be put down,” and “It’s so irresponsible to bring a dangerous dog to a park.” Blah, blah, blah. Then she started saying she was going to sue. The Chi’s owner was so upset, she was crying and kept apologizing. Luckily, there were several rational people there, who had seen the incident and that he’d been annoying all the dogs. We came to the owner’s rescue, and told the mother she didn’t have a leg to stand on, several people told him to stop, but he kept getting in the dog’s faces. If she pressed charges, we’d all show up to testify on behalf of the dog and owner. That shut her down, then we also insisted she and her child leave the dog park and not come back. To top it off… it turned out they didn’t even have a dog. So why the he** were they in the dog park in the first place? As she huffed out, Mommy Dearest told us, “I brought my son here to play with some dogs. I didn’t think he’d be attacked.”

Those were two extreme examples of very bad dog park days I’ve experienced. For the most part, dog/kid interactions aren’t so dramatic. But I’ve been in many dog parks, and I’ve seen so many children assault dogs. I’ve seen them throw dirt, rocks, sticks, and other things at or on dogs. I’ve seen kids kick and hit dogs. I’ve seen them chase and grab at a frightened dog. I’ve seen kids yank tails, ears, or fur. The list goes on and on…

Most dogs are amazingly tolerant! When children assault them, which is how they feel, most dogs only walk away. I find that amazing; after all, very few of us would allow anyone, child or adult, to throw things at us, kick us, pull our hair, etc., without reacting in some way. Yet, we expect dogs to tolerate, even like, all those things. And, if they don’t… If they try to defend themselves by growling, snapping, or God forbid biting (no matter how slight), they’re bad dogs and they get punished, or even killed.

My dog is not your kid’s toy! Neither you, nor your child, get to decide you can pet or play with my dog… That is my decision! You, or your child, may ask; but, if I say no, that means NO. I don’t walk up and start touching you, or your children. So, unless I say it’s OK, no one should do that to my dog! Also, when I tell you to stop, that means STOP NOW! I know my dog, you don’t, and I know when he’s had enough!

Dog parks are for dogs! Most urban dogs have very few places where they can run around, off leash, and just be dogs. All urban children have lots of places to run around, and just be kids. So please, do everyone a big favor: Take your kids to kid parks, your dogs to dog parks, and don’t mix them up!!

For some great information about dog bite prevention and much more, check out the website: doggone safe.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What NOT to Take into a Dog Park… Part One

“A dog park is like a cocktail party, where you don't know anyone and everyone is drunk. You could have fun, but it could be a disaster.” Trish King.

In my occupation as a pet sitter, I spend a lot of time in dog parks; sadly, I’ve learned Trish King is absolutely right… This is part one of a series on what not to take into dog parks. In “My Three Rules for Dog Park Safety,” I said, “some people think it’s OK to bring ‘not dog friendly dogs’ to dog parks”; IT IS NOT OK. It’s extremely dangerous and very unfair for that dog, the other dogs, and their owners, to bring in a dog who doesn’t get along with other dogs! Just because it’s a dog park, doesn’t mean all dogs like to, or should be going to them!

Sadly, many dogs are not properly socialized as puppies. Many owners are warned to never allow their puppy to be around other dogs, or where they’ve been, until he’s had all his shots. So they never take the puppy out into public, or allow him to interact with any other dog until he’s met his entire vaccination schedule, which typically are finished at about sixteen weeks.

However, at approximately sixteen weeks is also when a puppy’s “socialization window” closes, and he starts to become fearful of unknown things. If he’s never had pleasant, or even benign, experiences with dogs, people, skateboards, car rides (don’t just take him to the vet and/or groomer), loud noises, etc., they will be unknown, and may become very scary things to him.

By no means, am I recommending that you take your puppy to a dog park to socialize him with other dogs. It is not a safe place for a young puppy! There is also a much higher potential of disease transmission in a dog park. Instead, take your puppy to some really good puppy classes, and set up ‘play dates’ with healthy, friendly dogs. Having friendly, well-socialized adult dog friends is a great way for your pup to learn how to play and interact properly with other dogs.

Let me start by saying, most dog “aggression,” is due to fear. We all feel fear; it’s a strong and important survival instinct. When we are extremely fearful, we will often either flee, or we will fight, and dogs will too. Also, just because we don’t think a person, or animal, should be afraid of something, doesn’t make their fear any less real or traumatic…

I’ve seen people literally drag a terrified dog into a dog park. It breaks my heart to watch the poor dog cowering, and trying to get away, while being overwhelmed by his greatest fear (other dogs). Then if he finally decides to defend himself by growling, barking, snapping, etc., often his “parent” will punish him for it. That makes me crazy, because I know it’ll probably make the problem worse. I often try to talk to the owners about it, and they usually say something like, “I know he’s scared of other dogs, but he has to get over it.”

Perhaps, but “flooding” a dog, who is terrified of dogs, by forcing him to interact with several at once, is not the way to do it… No matter what you’ve seen on TV. Yelling at, hitting, jerking, “alpha rolling,” or using shock collars on a fearful dog, just for trying to defend himself, won’t teach the dog to “like” other dogs; in fact it’ll probably have the complete opposite effect. He’s likely to not only become even more fearful of dogs, but also of his owner.

Like a person who is terrified of flying, large crowds, or whatever, many dogs can learn to overcome their fears, with the help of a well-trained, experienced behaviorist. While a dog may learn to tolerate, or even like other dogs, one on one, he may never feel comfortable in an enclosed space, filled with strange dogs… Which is the definition of a dog park.

Just as some kids aren’t cut out to be athletes, no matter how much their parents may want it, some dogs aren’t cut out to be “dog park” dogs, no matter how much their owners may want it. That doesn’t make them bad kids, or bad dogs… It just is!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Three Rules for Dog Park Safety

“A dog park is like a cocktail party, where you don't know anyone and everyone is drunk. You could have fun, but it could be a disaster.” Trish King.

In my occupation, I spend a lot of time in dog parks, and I know Trish King is absolutely right. When I take Jesse and/or my clients to a dog park, my goal is to make it fun, happy and safe for the dogs and myself. So when we go to any dog park, even those we frequent often, I follow three rules:

One: Before we enter a dog park, I stop to evaluate the situation. I would rather avoid problems in the first place, and if I don’t like what I see we don’t go in. Here’s what I look for:

Are there too many dogs for the space? The more the merrier is not true of dog parks; too many dogs in too little space are recipes for disaster. If it’s too crowded, we go elsewhere. Then I ask myself three questions: 1. Are the dogs interacting well together? 2. Are the people paying attention to their dogs, instead of chatting with each other? 3. Are there young children in there? If the answers are: yes, yes, and no, we go in. If not, we don’t.

Two: Once we’re in the dog park, I watch my dog(s), and the dogs they’re interacting with. I make sure they’re not getting overly stimulated, tired, stressed, or annoyed. I want to distract or remove them before any of those things occur, which means I pay attention to them the entire time.

Also, I keep my dog(s) away from the entrance, that’s where problems happen first. Plus, I keep an eye out as dogs and people enter. Unfortunately, some people think it’s OK to bring “not dog friendly dogs” to dog parks, others think it’s OK to bring small children… neither is OK!

Three: Knowing when to leave the dog park is important. If things are going well, my rule of thumb is to stay no longer than 30 – 45 minutes. That’s a good amount of time for most dogs to play, exercise well, and do all their business, before getting too tired. An overly tired dog can be cranky and irrational, that’s when little quarrels or big fights can break out.

Even if we just got there, my cue to leave immediately is if a “not dog friendly dog,” or small children arrive. I’d rather not be there to see a dogfight, or a child being bitten. Been there, done that, don’t want to do it again! But that’s another blog…

Having had some very bad dog park experiences, I’ve learned to always follow my three rules…

1. If it looks unsafe, don’t go in

2. Pay attention while you’re there

3. Leave at the first sign of potential trouble

Monday, September 13, 2010

A few ways pet parents can help their pet sitter…

Last night I was up until after midnight, waiting for word that my clients returned home from their vacation. I was fairly confident they made it home, safe and sound. I imagined they were probably exhausted and just wanted to kiss their babies hello, and crawl into bed. But I didn’t know for sure. So I finally went to sleep a little worried… This morning there was an email saying they had gotten home later than they expected, but they were back and all was well. Such a relief!!

Things happen, flights get delayed, or cancelled. Cars break down, and there can be serious traffic jams on the way home. Pet parents are delayed getting home by a few hours, or much longer. In which case, I would happily to take care of the pets until their parents finally return. People are usually very good about contacting me if they are delayed, which I really appreciate! It gives me a heads up on what’s going on with them, and if I need to alter my plans. So if you’re delayed please let your pet sitter know as soon as possible. They will love you for it!

Most of the time, pet parents contact me, as soon as possible, when they get home. However, there have been a very few occasions when they forgot. It’s totally understandable, but I still worry. Please, do your pet sitter a big favor and try to always remember to let them know when you get home. BTW, that means when you are actually there, not just “back in town.” Our job isn’t complete until we know you are really at home. We pet sitters thank you so much for this!!

There are a few more things that would help to make your pet sitter’s life a little easier while you’re away. After all, a happy pet sitter makes for happier pets too…

Please make sure there is enough food, treats, medicines, kitty litter, etc., to last for the entire time you will be away. Your pet sitter really might not have the time to “run by the store.”

If there are any changes in your pet’s diet, medicines, health, routine, etc., please let your pet sitter know and leave written instructions. The same goes for household changes too. Also, if you happen to change the locks, don’t forget to provide us with a new key!

Always try to leave a landline contact number to wherever you will be staying, so we can reach you in case of an emergency. Cell phones don’t always work and, if your pet has an emergency, we may need to reach you immediately. Pet sitters try not to bother their clients, but if we have a question that really needs addressing, we usually need the answer then.

If you’re expecting anyone to be in your home, or on your property, while you’re away (housekeepers, groundskeepers, family members, roommates, etc.), please let your pet sitter know. It’s very scary to find someone you don’t know or expect, in the house when you arrive, or for him or her to walk in while you’re there! Part of our job is to care for your home and property. So it really helps to know who should, and shouldn’t, be there.

I thank you, on behalf of pet sitters everywhere, for remembering to help us out by doing these things!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About My Best Friend

I am the luckiest person in the world! No I didn’t win the lotto, but I did win when I Jesse James entered my life. I wouldn’t trade him for a hundred winning lotto tickets or anything else; he’s priceless! He’s also my best friend!

The first time I met Jesse was when I went in to apply for dog grooming school. Upon entering the admin office, one of the first things I saw a playpen, with three five-week-old Shih Tzu puppies playing inside. I walked up to get a better look at the puppies, and this adorable little boy ran up to greet me. We looked into each other’s eyes and it was love at first sight! There was just something about Jesse; I knew we were meant to be together. I told his breeder I wanted that puppy, but they wanted to show him. I was heartbroken, because from the moment I saw him, I felt like he was my dog! I can’t begin explain the connection I felt, but I was so drawn to Jesse. On my lunch breaks, I’d try to run over to the admin office to visit with him. When Jesse got old enough to come to the school for grooming, something a Shih Tzu needs often, I would volunteer to do him. I just wanted to spend time with him.

Then, one happy day, I overheard a conversation that totally changed my life. His breeder was discussing Jesse’s bite, which was too far off for him to finish showing well. She said she was going to sell him as a pet. My heart skipped a beat or two, and I had to catch my breath, before I could say, “I want him!” That was one of the happiest days of my life! Jesse and I have been almost inseparable ever since.

Jesse James is the perfect dog, at least to me! Jesse is very easy-going and friendly. Sometimes he’s too friendly… To Jesse any open door is an invitation to walk right on in; I’ve met many of my neighbors that way, LOL. Jesse loves people, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and the list goes on and on. He is so full of joy and love he attracts others to him. The fact that’s he’s too cute for words helps too.

I could go on and on forever about how much I love my Jesse James. Instead I’ll close by saying…

Jesse is the definition of unconditional love. He makes me laugh everyday, and I cherish every minute I spend with him! He brings me, and many others, immense joy and great comfort. Jesse shows me how to relax and enjoy the moment. And he teaches me how to love just being alive!

Jesse has given me so much more than I could ever repay with all the best food, treats, healthcare, toys, or whatever he needs and wants, in the world. But I try… after all; he’s my best friend!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hot Fun in the Summertime?

I have to say, from a dog walker’s point of view this has been a great summer! In the San Diego area, we typically have what we call May grey, followed by June gloom, and then the July fry. However, this year it’s been a very mild summer… until a few of days ago.

All through July and the first half of August, I kept hearing people complain that it was too cool. I was thinking, I love this weather, it’s great dog walking weather. Of course, these are people who work in a temperature controlled building during the day. They want beach weather, but they don’t have to be out in it everyday. I was once one of those people. I remember freezing my rear off in a 68° studio, while it was 98° outside. I was an Operations Engineer at Channel 8, the local CBS affiliate, for several years. As soon as a show was over, I’d go outside to warm up. I wished I could work outside, in the fresh air and warmth. Be careful what you wish for… LOL!

Now I’m very happy about having a cool summer! I do love working outside, most of the time… Yesterday it was 99° when I was out with my clients. And by SoCal standards (we’re weather lightweights), it was really humid too. According to the weather channel app on my phone, it felt like 101°. Lightweight, or not… That’s hot!!

You know it’s hot when the dogs don’t want to go out. It’s amusing to go into their cool house, leash them up and then open the door to go out. They start to go through the door, feel the blast of heat, sloooooow down, and look at me like, “Are you kidding, we have to go out in this heat?” The answer is, “Yes, but please do your business fast! Then we can come back inside and play training games.” When it’s really hot, or raining, many dogs would rather stay inside; so they just go to their favorite potty place, and come back in. I love those dogs, LOL.

Then there are those dogs who don’t care about the weather, rain or shine, they want to go, go, go and do it now! They will walk, play ball, run around in the Dog Park or backyard, etc., until they drop from heat exhaustion. I have to be the voice of reason, and not let them (or me) get overheated. I bring along plenty of water and offer it often, but I also have to watch the dogs to make sure their always OK and get them back home, before they get too hot. Dogs are much quicker to overheat than we are, because they don’t sweat and they often don’t complain. So I give them a few minutes of run around time, and then we go inside to play "101 things to do with a box" and other fun games. We play games on nice weather days too, but they’re especially handy on too hot, or rainy, days.

I know it’s selfish, but I’m hoping that persistent low-pressure system comes back soon! I don’t mind a cool summer at all!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Making Jesse’s Map

When we started our website, one of the pages we created was “Jesse’s Page.” Jesse wanted his own page, so he could tell pets and people about the places he likes to go. Like Jesse's facebook fan page, he dictates it, and I do the typing. Over time we’ve added several of Jesse’s favorite places to eat, shop, play, and just hang out.

One day, I was looking for directions on Google maps, and I noticed you could create your own maps. I had a “light bulb” moment, I could make a map of our pet nanny service area for the website. It took awhile, but I finally got a map I like; it’s really nothing special, but it serves the purpose. I went back to working on my website… and Jesse’s Page. That’s when it hit me; we could make of map of Jesse’s favorite places for his page. I ran it by him, and Jesse thought it was a great idea too.

At first we used the ‘bubble’ that appears when you select a location marker. We found the location of each place and planted the marker there; we added the address, and contact info to make it easy for pets and their people to get directions. Jesse also insisted on writing a little “review” of each location. According to Jesse, “i’m still not finished with my reviews, but its something 2 go online with… 4 now.”

I thought we were finished, but then Jesse noticed there were other icons. He decided to use icons to symbolize different kinds of his favorite places. Using ‘dog logic,’ he insisted on using different icons for some of the same types of places. So a cutlery and a burger/drink icon are used for restaurants. We had a long discussion about this; I wanted to use one icon. Jesse wanted to use the burger for places that only do breakfast/lunch, and the fork/knife for places that also serve dinner. The argument was settled with him saying, “it’s my map n i want 2 do it my way.” He used a picnic table for off leash dog parks, “cause most people just sit and watch their dogs.” For parks were we hike, he used hikers. Jesse was annoyed, “there’s no dog walkin a human, that stinks.” He used a basket for parks were we picnic. For his favorite stores, we used a dollar sign, “cause that’s were u spend money.” Apparently you can make your own icons, but I haven’t had time to figure that out yet. I’ll have to… Jesse keeps nagging me about it.

It’s been fun making the map. Not that we’re finished, we keep thinking of and finding more places to add. It’s going to be a never-ending project. For instance, yesterday we went to the dog wash, which isn’t one of Jesse’s favorites. I want to add dog washes, but Jesse says, “no way! i hate baths, they r not my favorite.” We’ll see if I can talk him into it…

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dogs Make Me Laugh!!

Dogs make me laugh, that’s one of the many reasons I love working with them. Like us, dogs tend to be very habitual and prefer to follow established routines. Dogs also have a concept of time; they know when a normal event happens each day, like me showing up to take them out. If, for whatever reason, the routine changes, I can always tell they’re a little confused and bewildered…

Last Friday morning, I had an appointment with my doggie client, Dina. We were meeting another dog trainer friend of mine, to help work with her client. My friend’s client is a little dog reactive, so I brought Dina to help work with him.

I typically visit Dina every weekday afternoon, so she expects me to show up in the afternoon. Generally, she’s waiting for me at the door, or she’s running down the stairs to greet me. She’s always so happy to see me and can barely contain her excitement. However, this time I arrived at her house at 9:30 and, when I came in, there was no Dina at the door and I didn’t hear her running toward me. I called her, and I could hear her walking, very slowly, down the stairs. Then I saw her peek around the corner (they have switchback stairs). I so wish I’d been taping this, because the expression on her face was just priceless… at first she looked wary, then surprised, and finally confused. She cocked her head in that, “What the?” way dogs do when they not quite sure of what’s going on. I swear I could read her mind, she was thinking, “Who’s there?” then “Oh it’s you!” then “What are you doing here so early?” She just stood there for a few seconds, trying to process what she was seeing. I couldn’t help but laugh! Then her expression changed to one of joy, and she came running to me.

After harnessing and leashing her, I took her out to my car. This is something we do often; I take Dina and Jesse James to parks and other places a couple times a week. Otherwise, we take a walk. Our car routine is: I open the driver’s door, to unlock the back door. Jesse is always sitting on the driver’s seat, Dina sticks her head in and they say hi to each other. Then Dina gets in the backseat, I put them in their seatbelts, and we take off for where ever we’re going. However, I didn’t bring Jesse with me that morning. When I opened my door, as usual, Dina stuck her head in and realized there was no Jesse in the car. She jumped back and her face said exactly what she was thinking, “What’s going on today? WHERE IS MY FRIEND JESSE?” The expression of total bewilderment on her face was again, priceless… and I again had to laugh!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Doing Cody's Sub Q

This is my friend and client, Cody. He's one of the sweetest cats I've ever known, and one of my favorite kitty clients. Cody has kidney problems, so he has to have subcutaneous fluid therapy (aka, sub Q) every other day. Basically thats, inserting a rather large needle under the skin on his back. You lift the skin and make a little "tent" in it, then insert the needle... That's the hardest part of the procedure, for both of us! I try to do it as smoothly and painlessly as possible, but I know it has to hurt anyway. Feeling the needle puncture his skin is always a bit unnerving. The needle is connected, via a tube, to a bag of a water solution. Once you open the valve thing (I'm sure it has a name, but I have no idea what it is), the fluid slowly drips under the skin, providing him with much needed hydration to help flush and support his kidneys.

I've been pet sitting for Cody for about a year, and one of my duties, as his pet nanny, is to do his Sub Q. Before I bring him into the room, I have everything prepared. If necessary, I've already changed the fluid bag... one bag lasts for about four treatments. Most of the time, I just have to check the bag for leaks, attach a fresh needle, and pump up the bag (which helps the fluids flow better). Then I go get Cody. He knows what's going to happen, but he's always so good about it! He doesn't try to run from me, nor does he try to scratch or bite. He's a real trooper!

The video below is an edited version of a sub Q... don't worry, I won't show you the needle being inserted :)

Cody a wonderfully tolerant kitty!! He let's me stick needles in him, but he's still happy to see me. I wonder if I'd be that way, if the shoe were on the other paw! I just love my Cody!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stop The Insanity…

What is wrong with our government these days? We have record unemployment, a major and ongoing recession, homes and businesses in foreclosure, we’re billions of dollars in debt. BTW, I’m just talking about the state of California. With everything going on here, doesn’t our legislature have anything better to do than to make insane legislation prohibiting us from seeking treatments for our pets; all of which are readily available to us, and our children?

I’m speaking of a current bill before the California legislature (AB 1980) requiring that anyone who performs any type of “treatment” on an animal must be a DMV. This would include acupuncture, massage therapy, TTouch, physical therapy, etc. It doesn’t matter if the practitioner is certified, licensed, and has a long history of providing quality care; they won’t be able to practice on your pet if this law is enacted. And, if it is, our pets will miss out on many very beneficial treatments, because few Vets or Vet Techs are trained in, or practice these modalities.

If I want a massage, acupuncture, or to visit a chiropractor, he or she isn’t required to be an MD to practice… So why should my pet’s practitioner be required to be a DMV? That’s just insane!

Let’s stop the insanity… You can make a difference and protect our pets! BTW, while this is about a specific piece of Ca. legislation, this issue is not limited to California. These types of laws are popping up all over the country, and we need to be informed and take action to maintain our control over our pets’ health and well being!

EVERYONE can sign and forward this petition:

Also, please be proactive and contact the legislators in YOUR state. The following is a form letter you can use… For California residents a list of email addresses will follow this form letter:

"Dear ______,

I am writing with great concern regarding California Bill AB 1980, which would prohibit the practice of "veterinary medicine" without a license and specifies that a person practices veterinary medicine when he or she, among other things, represents himself or herself as engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine or administers a treatment of whatever nature for the cure or relief of a bodily injury or disease of an animal.

Providers of complementary therapies such as massage therapists, physical rehabilitation specialists, and more do not claim to provide veterinary care. Yet for equine athletes, aging and infirm horses and even companion animals, these services are often essential to performance or wellness. This bill would provide that any person who practices complementary therapies for the benefit of an animal would be committing a crime. Veterinarians and technicians do not have the training, time or inclination to perform therapies. Owners will be left without access to vital care, and an entire industry will be put out of business.

Should such a bill come before you in the state of ____, I urge you to consider voting against it.

Many thanks for your consideration of this matter.


Email to your California Assemblyperson and Senator to ask them to vote no on AB1980!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Day!

This past Tuesday morning, I was coming home from my morning appointments. My plan was to feed my fur kids, work on my daily pet reports and training plans, and eat a sandwich (which would be breakfast and lunch) before my next appointment. However, my plans went out the car window when I noticed a “stray dog” sniffing around in the green space by my house. I can’t help myself, when I see a dog wandering around alone, I have to try to catch him or her and, hopefully return the dog home.

I put my car in the garage and Jesse in the house, grabbed a leash, along with my treat bag. Then I went in search of the dog, and found her still sniffing around in the green space. I got her attention and tossed some treats between us. She immediately walked over and ate the food. I offered her food from my hand, and she walked right up and took it. She wasn’t wearing a collar, so no ID tags. So I used the leash as a slip lead, easily slipped it over her head and led her back to my house. I loaded her into my car and took her to my vet to have her scanned for a microchip. The scanner didn’t read one, so I brought her back to my place. BTW, she was great in the car.

I figured she lived close by and had just gotten out somehow. She was obviously older, but in really good shape. She looked well fed, with a beautiful coat. Her teeth were worn, which along with the grey on her face, made me think she was an older girl. She was also way too calm and friendly to have been on the streets for any length of time.

Now I was in a quandary, I knew I should take her to the shelter, but it’s not exactly close and I had appointments to get to soon. I also couldn’t take her into my house, my cats would freak. Luckily, I saw my neighbor, and told him the story. He volunteered to keep her until we could figure out what to do.

When I got back, I checked on the dog. She was perfectly content and acting like it was all a big adventure. We talked about taking her to the shelter, which they were very reluctant to do. Knowing how stressful it can be on a dog, I was too. I know I should have taken her in right away, but I just couldn’t… I had a strong feeling she was from the neighborhood and we’d find her home soon. We decided to give it three days. We walked her around the neighborhood, asking everyone we saw if they knew where she lived. I posted info about her on Craigslist, facebook and twitter. I made some fliers and we posted them around the area.

Today, when we were going to take her to animal control, my neighbor got a call from the owner. She’d seen one of the fliers, while she was out putting up her own. She rushed over, from a couple blocks away, and picked up Cindy, that’s her name. They were so happy so see each other… Thank God for a happy ending!

BTW, Cindy is 11 years old, and was micro chipped as a puppy. Eleven years later, it wasn’t working. Two lessons from this:

  1. Occasionally have your vet scan your pet to make sure the chip is still working.
  2. Make sure your dog is always wearing a well fitting buckle collar, with ID tags.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My brain, or whats left of it, hurts… LOL!

I’ve been updating my website… for several days now. Lately, all my ‘free time’ has been spent working on it. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, but I've been putting off. I knew that once I got started, I wouldn’t be able to stop until I was happy with it… which is never. I also knew there were things I didn’t like about my site, but didn’t know how to fix without calling GoDaddy. While they give great customer service, which is one of the reasons I use them as my web host, I hate to call and ask what often turns out to be a stupid question…

Unfortunately I’m my own web designer, and when I started my site I had no idea what I was doing. I still don’t, but I’m slowly learning as I go along. Mostly I’m learning to try stuff and see what happens. I still have a lot to learn and often wish I had and IT person, or a teenager, to help me… LOL! I know there must be easier ways to do what I want to do, but I don’t know what they are… BTW, trial and error is very time consuming!

So I finally decided to just change the template. The old one was very plain, which made my site look plain. Don’t ask me what I was thinking when I first chose it, but I’ve hated for the longest time. I’ve wanted to change it, but I was afraid to because I was afraid it mess the whole site up… of course it didn’t… LOL! After I changed the template, I had to change the header… the old one didn’t fit. That meant I had to create a new header in Illustrator, then convert it to a JPEG, which the only way I’ve figured out how to do is to go through Photoshop. That took awhile, since I had to resize it a few times to make it fit without cutting something off. Then I had to do the same thing with the photo. I’m still not completely happy with it, but it’ll work for now. I’ll keep working on it, but I have to have something online.

Then I started changing the layouts of some of the pages… to make them easier to read and be more concise. I added some photos, deleted others, changed text, and then look at the page and changed something else. I completely redid entire blocks to remove leftover spacing. Another thing I’m learning is that making changes, then undoing them can have unintended consequences… like weird spacing.

I got sidetracked by making Google Maps for the site. I started out making one to show my Pet Nanny Service Area. I think it makes more sense than just listing zip codes, or town names. Then I decided to make one for Jesse Page, showing all his favorite places to go in San Diego, with his reviews too.

The navigation bar had been really bugging me. The page tabs moved around when a new page was selected, and sometimes they would just disappear. I tried to figure out how to lock them many times. I tried to find a “help” article on how to do it; I know it’s probably just me, but most “help” articles don’t really help. Finally I found it… the “edit nav” button. It was right there in front of my face the whole time, but I didn’t notice it (actually I saw it and had no idea what it was). Once I selected that button, I was finally able to arrange my tabs in the order I wanted them and they would stay put. Who knew, experiment and learn! And avoid calling customer service at all costs… LOL!

Finally after many hours of making this little change, or replacing that photo, I have a “new website.” Or, at least, a website that looks new… LOL. I’m actually happy with it now. I know I’ll keep making changes here and there and everywhere… especially to the resources and Jesse’s pages, but it’s such an improvement over my “old” site. BTW, any input, ideas, or advice is welcome!